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Love the shirts! _thisdenver does some g



Growing up on a farm gave me an amazing intuition and broad spectrum of skills. We raised cattle, grew crops and repaired the things that was necessary. My father also had his own company, that varied from stone fabrication to all sorts or tiling services. From the age of 9, if I wasn't tagging calves or working on the farm. I was riding around with my father, from job to job begging to lend a helping hand. He specialized in Granite, Marble, and Tile. I grew up eager to learn the tricks of the trade. I'd help with whatever he would allow me to do, whether it was mixing thin set, or cutting tiles. Being I look younger than I am, his clients would always comment about this tiny kid that looked  6, tops 7; running a wet saw. Shocked on how this youngster was cutting tiles with impressive precision. In my eyes I was just trying to be one of the guys

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